Tuesday 10 September 2013

multidiscplinary - echoes

Porayanska -Pomsta et al
Key features, benefits challenges of a multi-disciplinary approach
Journal of Personal and ubiquitous Computing

22. - emotion recognition
25, 40 - understanding the mental states of others
6,18 - LFA engage with robots more than humans (shared attention, turn taking), fail to generalise to a real world context
37, 38,29 - wearables
42 - abilities of autism
46 importance of reciprocity

ECHOES a socio- cognitive intervention

Multidisciplinary - theories, practices, methods, scientific tradition. Establish common ground and draw on strengths p2 Novelty of the approach lies in the way in which different methods and techniques are combined and applied.

Goal- enable social interaction skills.

Aim - develop tools for research in this area

Affective system for an agent - emotion regulation, recognise emotions, categorise emotions, express emotions

Objects in a garden as the focus of joint attention

Monitors - head posture, eye gaze, facial expression, screen touch data

Retain the development of resources within the users community of practice

Pilot - as a small scale intervention. Subjective also contributes to the design of the resource

Theory of mind - impute others mental state
Joint attention - there is a strong visual component , both the object and the other

How are objects in ECHOES linked into a narrative?
Two challenges p122 SCERTS, on which ECHOES as an intervention is based was developed for a human-human intervention context, in which practitioners use their long term experiences. Multiple data sources on which to base the decision. ' Another challenge relates to whether the child perceives the agent as an intentional being or merely an inanimate object' reciprocity is important