Monday 30 September 2013

Davidson 2004

Davidson, R.J. (2004)
What does the prefrontal cortex "do" in affact: perspectives on frontal EEG asymmetry research
Biological Psychology, 67, 157-182, 219-233

Historical appraisal alpha asymmetry and emotion
1979 EEG asymmetry first reported, at that time p 220 ' research on CNC substrates of emotional processes largely restricted to non-human species with focus on the subcortical'
But p222 we now know that  ' Emotion and motivation are instantiated in complex circuitry involving both cortical and sub cortical components'
Work presented up to 2004 has evolved with little connection to this  recent core neuroscience on structure and function - D argues that this state of affairs must change therefore  D  specifies some questions.

What is the PFC doing in emotion?

some facts to bear in mind
   PFC is heterogenous (anatomically and functionally) and part of a larger network
   Based on cell recordings-  animal studies ( 2 macaque monkeys) ' tasks that include a response component will be more likely to show affect related PFC activation asymmetry in the dorsal lateral regions and it is activity in these regions that is most likely to be reflected in scalp recorded brain signals'
   Recent studies ' have also identified a ventromedial region of PFC that shows robust asymmetries during response inhibition tasks' ( also patient data with damage on right side I.e. r. VmQPFC ? Particularly susceptible to punishment)
   Suggestions that regions of the l.PFC play an important role in inhibiting the amygdala -' strong inverse relations between activation in the l.v.m.PFC and amygdala when subjects are asked to voluntarily down regulate  their negative affect. The findings collectively imply that what the PFC is doing in emotion is clearly NOT mediating emotional responses but rather moderating patterns of activity in other parts that control the primary emotional response'

'Unfortunately though, little work at the human level has begun to parse emotion in a fashion that derives from and honours the distinctions that are made at a neural level'

' For certain types of emotional processes the presence of a particular pattern of functional prefrontal asymmetry may be necessary but not sufficient for the emotional state in question, or may simply be contributory'

KRO - moderation ? emotional tone

Self report of conscious mood - a summary index of a range of complex emotional processes

IDs in baseline activations
p225 ' individuals with higher levels of l.sided PQF activity do indeed have a more positive profile of peripheral biological indicators' there is evidence of well being , the ability to cope with a negative event (resilience).

Reward is a factor that has been manipulated
P 225  ' it is during the period in anticipation of reward that the most pronounced l. Frontal activation is observed'

Damasio v.m.PFC ' crucial substrate for affect guided decision making' - ? are there functional asymmetries Note Davidson has argued that there are functional asymmetries in dorsal prefrontal

SES and asymmetry
Tomarken ( this issue) ' relations between SES and PF asymmetry in adolescence. The lower the SES, the greater the relative right-sided prefrontal activity'

Empirical and methodological issues
p221 ' the PF sector most directly associated with emotion is the sector that is least likely to be reflected in scalp-recorded brain electrical signals' hence the importance of a neurally informed strategy'  KRO - from clinical practice  we know that it would be naive to expect more than a generalised view of the activation patterns that underlying each electrode

Harmon-Jones ( this issue) Variations in levels of anger lead to increased left-frontal activation and ultimately approach behaviours. Davidson's caveat -' but only if there are response options that allow the individual to overcome whatever is thwarting the goal'

p227 articles ' establish prefrontal EEG asymmetry measures as reflecting, at least in part, trait like variations in brain function that appear to predict interesting and important features of affective style'

Reference electrode some studies report that method robust to location, some do not. Important to take into account that EEG recordings reflect the potential difference between two locations and there is no electrically neutral location anywhere on the body

other frequency bands
Oakes et al, 2004 ' although alpha shows the predicted inverse relation with metabolism ' ' the frequency band most consistently and strongly associated with glucose metabolism was gamma'

Pizzagalli refs for comparisons between frequency bands