Monday 30 September 2013

Davidson 1988

Davidson, R.D. (1998)
EEG measures of cerebral asymmetry: Conceptual and methodological issues
J. Neuroscience, 39, p 71-89

Comparisons with other neuroscience methods
cf FMRI fewer constraints on task presentation and performance
Critical periods can be flagged ie examine epoch during which facial expression is recorded

Distinctions between Hemisphere specialisation and hemisphere activation
Hemisphere Specialisation
Preparedness to do a task, one hemisphere less accomplished than the other for a particular task
Hemisphere Asymmetries in Activation
p87 ' Activation refers to the degree to which a particular hemisphere is working or engaged'
p 73 ' Activation is typically defined operationally on the basis of the methods used in a particular study to measure this construct'
p 75 ' A hemisphere may become selectively activated as a function of priming'  this means that the task parameters may influence the activation level e.g. The requirement to respond with one hand or another hand (KRO think about cortical activity at a primary level).
' testing must be performed on a sample assumed to be homogenous with respect to individual differences in hemisphere specialisation'
Within subject designs therefore preferred although there can be floor/ceiling effects ie task effect not apparent because baseline measure already at ceiling/ floor
Dissociations between specialisation and activation
'Dissociations between these two aspects is common' ' The hemisphere specialised to process a particular stimulus is not necessarily the one most activated'
p73 ' it is not necessarily the case that differences in activation are paralleled by differences in specialisation'
rostral -caudal differences in hemisphere specialisation and activation
Anterior hemisphere  regions associated with affective processing
Posterior hemisphere regions associated with cognitive processing
I.e. activations are relatively orthogonal
 p76 ' stimuli which differ in affective valence systematically influence activation asymmetries in frontal brain electrical activity in the absence if any simultaneous measures in parietal asymmetry, while tasks which are designed differentially to require verbal versus visual spatial produce changes in parietal and temporal asymmetry in the absence of any modifications in frontal asymmetry processing produce changes in parietal and temporal asymmetry'
This has been checked by the author by taking both frontal and parietal/temporal measures at the same point in time and performing across(rostral-caudal) (e.g. r frontal v r parietal/temporal correlations) p87 ' it makes little sense to talk of a whole hemisphere being activated or specialised for a particular function'

Methodological Issues
1.  metrics of asymmetry
Require the sites to be homologous
Choose the dependent measure; oscillation, ratio/raw
 ( note for ratio measures (R-L)/(R+L) higher ratios are produced by less alpha in the left hemisphere and/or more alpha in the right hemisphere, both of which are associated with more relative left sided activation ( less alpha is taken to be indicative of more activation'
Between group as opposed to within group studies
Small differences ( between hemisphere) may be more significant than overall activations
2. Artefact
Blink & eye movement
EMG What is the spectrum characteristics, how to detect
p78' facial expression , there are reports of asymmetry. ' in our experience most severe in the beta range'  ( but doesn't evidence this) ' the presence of muscle artefact is sufficiently likely in certain scalp locations ( e.g. Temporal leads) as to make meaningful assessment of beta almost impossible' ' in our laboratory, we sample the EEG at 250 Hz and compute power density in a high frequency band (70-80Hz) which does not contain any neurogenic activity and is presumably a function of muscle activity exclusively' ( KRO does that view still hold?)
3 Reference electrode
Laplacian operator for dealing with  questions  that arise concerning the contribution of the reference electrode
Record A1 and A2 with same reference, then average these channels to form a new reference