Wednesday 12 December 2012

Blake philosophy teaching

Blake, Nigel (2000)
Tutors and Students without Faces or Places
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 34,1, 183-196

Reflect on distance education
P183 ‘Centrally, tuition is conducted here in personal interaction through the written word’. P 183 ‘However, it is constantly compared and contrasted negatively with conventional education in at least one respect: that it is not ‘face-to-face’ it is the alternative for students who need to study at a distance. There is a notion that  interaction by means of the written word diminishes the quality of communication between tutors and students. ‘ the belief that body language , as an aspect of communication, is an unqualified good’ KRO what would constitute an adequate defence of these claims?

P 184 ‘The idea that there is something special and important about the physical co-presence of teachers and students may be ill-articulated but it obviously has plausible appeal’ Lets take the scenario of the way that the distance learner will study.  The live teacher is replaced by a teaching text crafted by a live teacher. P184 ‘ Instead of the text actually teaching, the student has to actively study the text’….p185 ‘ So if we force the question what goes on, teaching or study, on such occasions, the question has really no point of interest. The answer is rather that a conventional link between teaching and physical presence is less fundamental that we often think and has been broken here’

Evaluate face-to-face
lets dissect a face-to-face interaction – what kind of speech acts are involved, greetings & the exchange of pleasantries, compliments, jokes, advice, warnings, rebukes, insults, evasions. Although they all have a cognitive element  (they involve information exchange) constatives, there is also a large element of  the performative, p186 ‘ whose character as social actions is at least as important as their character of communicating information’ ( KRO and that has been the challenging part of constructing the narrative) ‘ As speech acts, as events at some particular time and place, performatives are highly sensitive to social and material context.’ In contrast constatives are not so reliant on context. Constatives tend to be right or wrong, whereas perfomatives are either successful or unsuccessful. Perfomatives can misfire, the social background has to be properly understood by both the speaker and the hearer p 186 ‘Plausibly, it is the nature of the social relationship between the speakers and how it is reinforced or transformed which is the important issue in these speech interactions’ performatives are easily aligned with familiar kinds of intonation, body language and facial expression. In these cases of mundane face-to-face interaction, there seems a characteristic intertwining between the physical and the verbal……..there is something patently appropriate about physical interaction in these banal contexts. Those with whom we cement relationships, are embodied people, and their personal characteristics as embodied are often relevant to the nature of the relationship we have with them. Moreover, the inherent actual or potential embodiedness of relationships – the inherent address of relationships to the Other as embodied – is betrayed by the fact that ‘body language’ and facial expression are not in fact simply items of a kind of shared, intuitive physical  ‘ vocabulary’ . They also reveal aspects of ourselves to other quite unintentionally and often without us realising it, thus cementing or impeding relationships all the more effectively. So in this unconscious way too, bodies can and do intervene in the construction of relationships’ and it is context sensitive.  (KRO therefore important to retain the context for the narratives)

What is appropriate for academic interactions, particularly in HE?
Focus – the substance and complexities of the discipline, not on our selves, our own interests or even on our personal reactions to the topic.
Values – disinterestedness
Vices – bias, partiality, vested interest, prejudice
Role ‘Academic objectivity requires us to sift very carefully questions of true and false, right and wrong, valid or invalid, good and bad, insightful or obtuse from those of personal taste or distaste, political or religious commitment, fear or loathing, enthusiasm or delight’
Skill/ Competence p 188 ‘the personal, the subjective and the individual have to be somehow bracketed off and kept in their place, on both sides of the teaching interaction….. one of the tasks of  a teacher may often be to alert the student to her own lapses of objectivity, to the moments where her own personal values, emotions, and limitations may be clouding or distorting her judgement’  Therefore in face-to-face academic practice there is a presumption about the ‘non-verbal as being inappropriate’, ‘that academic life has its own decorum, functional for the pursuit of its higher aims. The purpose of this decorum is precisely to bracket off, to tame or even sometimes to expunge the influence of non-academic personal relations, personal interests and commitments’ that the personal ‘is an impediment to distinterestedness’ ie the non-verbal  (that extends the communicative repetiore) may be irrelevant or invidious even to academic teaching.

Academic interactions online
’In the previous section we explored the idea that cognitive use of language comes first in academia. ‘p 193 ‘ If online tuition is to be genuine teaching, then insightful interpretation of the student’s written word is at a premium. The question is not ‘ “What do these words mean?” but “What does this student mean [by these words]” And in addressing that particular problem, any indications the tutor can garner from the student’s text may seem relevant and appropriate to the task. Moreover, we cannot assume any a priori limits as to what aspects of a student’s life and experience will influence or inform her own attempts to make sense of academic material and ideas’

Then mostly on identity

Thursday 6 December 2012

useful article Authored by .... on his blog

Top IT issues

Server room by torkildr, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License  by  torkildr

What's the trend of the year in educational technology? Most people would immediately shout out MOOCs (as I predicted way back in January, 2012 - the year of the MOOC) but according to anEducause survey, Top-10 IT issues 2012,  the most important concerns are not whether to join the MOOC movement but the fundamental issue of how to integrate IT into all of the university's activities and develop more mature strategies for the use of technology.

The survey asked a panel of higher education IT experts what the biggest single IT-realted issue facing their institution had been in 2012. Here's their top ten:
  1. Updating IT professionals' skills and roles to accommodate new technologies and changing IT delivery models
  2. Supporting IT consumerization and bring-your-own device programs
  3. Developing a cloud strategy
  4. Improving the institution's operational efficiency through IT
  5. Integrating IT into institutional decision-making
  6. Using analytics to support the important institutional outcomes
  7. Funding IT initiatives
  8. Transforming the institution's business with IT
  9. Supporting research with high-performance computing, large data, and analytics
  10. Establishing and implementing IT governance throughout the institution
Source: "Educause Top-Ten IT Issues 2012" from Educause Center for Applied Research (ECAR)

The common thread here is the need to integrate technology use into all areas of the university from the management down and to ensure that staff have the right competence to deal with this change. IT is no longer simply a technology issue and is no longer limited to the IT department; it supports all processes and affects every member of staff. Educational technology is moving from a marginal pioneer movement of enthusiasts to mainstream and default. Institutional strategies are now needed where before there were simply uncoordinated grassroots initiatives. The tools and software that were once provided in-house are now freely available in the cloud and at the same time the carefully controlled infrastructure of university owned computer labs is being replaced by students using their own devices and expecting access anywhere any time.

The challenges facing the role of IT in higher education are finding strategies of benefitting from the diversity and freedom of cloud-based solutions and personal devices while maintaining some level of control and security. The survey highlight above all else the rapidly changing role of the university IT department.

"This year's list transcends the IT org chart with two predominant themes: the IT organization's obligation to the institution; and the IT organization's relationship to technology outside the institution. The former views the IT organization as an enabler and partner in helping colleges and universities adapt to and even capitalize on changing realities and needs via automation (Issue #4), analytics (Issue #6), business transformation (Issue #8), and research computing (Issue #9). It also recognizes that the IT organization's relationship with institutional leaders must be effective for it to truly support institutional priorities, by integrating information technology into institutional decision-making (Issue #5), funding information technology strategically (Issue #7), and establishing and implementing IT governance throughout the institution (Issue #10)."

Read more in an article in Campus TechnologyReflecting on the Top IT Issues of 2012

Wednesday 5 December 2012

wellcome research

Learning to control brain activity improves visual sensitivity

5 December 2012
Training eople to control their own brain activity can enhance their visual sensitivity, according to a new study. This non-invasive ‘neurofeedback’ approach could one day be used to improve brain function in patients with abnormal patterns of activity, for example after a stroke.
Researchers at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at UCL used non-invasive, real-time brain imaging that enabled participants to watch their own brain activity on a screen, a technique known as neurofeedback. During the training phase, they were asked to try to increase activity in the area of the brain that processes visual information, the visual cortex, by imagining images and observing how their brains responded.
After the training phase, the participants' visual perception was tested using a new task that required them to detect very subtle changes in the contrast of an image. When they were asked to repeat this task while clamping brain activity in the visual cortex at high levels, those who had successfully learned to control their brain activity could improve their ability to detect even very small changes in contrast.
This improved performance was only observed when participants were exercising control over their brain activity.
Lead author Dr Frank Scharnowski, who is now based at the University of Geneva, explains: "We've shown that we can train people to manipulate their own brain activity and improve their visual sensitivity, without surgery and without drugs."
In the past, researchers have used recordings of electrical activity in the brain to train people on various tasks, including cutting their reaction times, altering their emotional responses and even improving their musical performance. In this study, the researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to provide the volunteers with real-time feedback on brain activity. The advantage of this technique is that you can see exactly where in the brain the training is having an effect, so you can target the training to particular brain areas that are responsible for specific tasks.
"The next step is to test this approach in the clinic to see whether we can offer any benefit to patients, for example to stroke patients who may have problems with perception, even though there is no damage to their vision," adds Dr Scharnowski.
The study, funded by the Wellcome Trust, the Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Union, is published online today in the 'Journal of Neuroscience'.
Image: Functional MRI scans showing visual cortex activity before (top row) and after (bottom row) neurofeedback training. Credit: F Scharnowski


Scharnowski F et al. Improving visual perception through neurofeedback. J Neurosci 2012 [epub].

Monday 12 November 2012

Foster & Harrison (2002)

Foster, P.S. and Harrison, D.W. (2002)
The relationship between magnitude of cerebral activation and intensity of emotional arousal
International Journal Neuroscience, 112, 1463-1477

P 1465 ‘Very little know about the cerebral representation of subjective emotional intensity’
P1466 ‘ numerous investigations have implicated the temporal lobes in the experience of both positively and negatively valenced emotions’.

Hypothesis ‘increased subjective intensity of angry memories would be associated with increasing cerebral activation’  especially of low beta (13-21) and high beta (21-32) Hz.  But doesn’t say why beta is targeted

Monopolar QEEG recordings , linked ear references. Sampling rate 256 Hz frequencies below 2 Hz eliminated.

Target frequencies
Alpha (8-13 Hz)
High beta (21-32 Hz)
Low beta (13-21) Hz

Eyes closed throughout

  1. Base line measure : 46 1 sec epochs
  2. 5-6 mins to relax
  3. instructed to recall a memory to which they had responded with anger – 46 secs. Therefore collected 46 1 sec epochs during recall of an emotional (angry) event

Participants asked to rate memory on intensity from 1 to 7.

Data reduction
P1486 ‘ Change scores were created for the purpose of calculating correlations between changes in cerebral activation, as measured by EEG, and the ratings of subjective intensity of angry memories’.

Change score average mv ( memory condition) – average mV (baseline) after artefact removal.  Male and female analysed separately.

Alpha – no correlation
High beta - FP1, FP2, F8, T6, P3, O1
Low beta -                   F8, T5, T6, PZ,P4,O1,O2

Alpha - no correlation
High beta – T6
Low beta – no correlation

Results are consistent with research that sees the right hemisphere as being implicated in emotion processing, particularly negative emotions, and that laterality effects are stronger in men.

research at wellcome

Primates (and people) are remarkably good at ranking each other within social hierarchies, a survival technique that helps us to avoid conflict and select advantageous 

Primates (and people) are remarkably good at ranking each other within social hierarchies, a survival technique that helps us to avoid conflict and select advantageous 
allies. However, we know surprisingly little about how the brain does this.
The team at the UCL Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience used brain imaging techniques to investigate this in 26 healthy volunteers.
Participants were asked to play a simple science fiction computer game in which they acted as future investors. In the first phase, they needed to learn which individuals have most power within a fictitious space mining company (the social hierarchy) and then which galaxies have most precious minerals (non-social information).
While the participants were doing the experiment, the team used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to monitor activity in their brains, and another MRI scan was also taken to look at their brain structure. The findings reveal a striking dissociation between the neural circuits used to learn social and non-social hierarchies.
The researchers observed increased neural activity in both the amygdala and the hippocampus when participants were learning about the hierarchy of executives within the fictitious space mining company. By contrast, when they were learning about the non-social hierarchy (i.e. which galaxies had more minerals), only the hippocampus was used.
The researchers also found that participants who were better at learning the social hierarchy had a larger volume of grey matter in the amygdala than those who were less able.
Dr Dharshan Kumaran at the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, who led the study, explains: "These findings are telling us that the amygdala is specifically involved in learning information about social rank based on experience and suggest that separate neural circuits are involved than for learning hierarchy information of a non-social nature."
This is the first time that researchers have looked at how rank within a social hierarchy is judged based on knowledge acquired through experience, rather than perceptual cues (like visual appearance), which are typically unreliable predictors of rank. In a second phase of the experiment, the team also looked at how we recall information about social rank when we meet somebody again, and their study reveals how this information is represented in the brain.
They asked participants to place bids on investment projects based on the knowledge about rank they had acquired during the first phase of the experiment. This was played out in the game as a particular executive leading a mission to harvest minerals from a galaxy.
They found evidence that social rank, but not non-social rank, is translated into neural activity in the amygdala in a linear fashion: the level of activity in the amygdala was observed to increase according to the social rank of the person being encountered. This signal provides a potential mechanism by which individuals select coalition partners in the real world based on their rank.
Being able to interpret social rank is important for us to meet the challenging pressures of living in large social groups. Knowing where we fit into a social group determines how we behave towards different people.
As well as giving new understanding of which brain circuits are involved in learning and storing this information, the findings reported in this study help to explain why some people are better at it than others. The researchers are now keen to look at people with brain and developmental disorders to see how their ability to learn social hierarchies is affected.
The study has been published in the journal 'Neuron'.
Image: An fMRI scan reveals that brain activity in the amygdala tracks participants’ knowledge about a social, but not a non-social, hierarchy. Credit: D Kumaran et al. (Neuron, 2012).

Kaiser QEEG

What is Quantitative EEG
David A. Kaiser, Ph.D.
Rochester Institute of Technology

What determines the characteristic rhythms of the EEG?
Moruzzi and Magoun (1949) were the first to shed light on the origin of EEG
rhythms. Working in cats they determined that stimulating the reticular formation of the brainstem aroused the animal behaviorally and any dispersed high-amplitude EEG rhythms at the cortex. This work eventually led to a general physiological model of rhythmic activity (Andersen & Andersson, 1968; Steriade et al. 1990). According to the model, isolated thalamocortical neurons fire rapidly at their own pace due to metabolic characteristics but in an intact brain, a sheath of cells known as the reticular thalamic nucleus (RTN) inhibits intrinsic or random firing of thalamocortical neurons and unites
individual discharges into simultaneous volleys. These volleys propagate to the cortex and synchronize pyramidal cell activity, whose synchronization can be detected at the scalp as high-amplitude oscillations (e.g., alpha bursts, sleep spindles). Corticothalamic feedback influences these volleys by inhibiting RTN's inhibitory action so that neuronal ensembles may break free of reticular thalamic influence and fire in response to specific processing demands. When this occurs, large slow waveforms (theta, alpha) are replaced
by faster frequencies of lower amplitude (beta, gamma), a process originally called alpha blocking and now called EEG desynchronization. Desynchronization may be localized to a single electrode as uncommitted cortical areas remain "idling" or synchronized, or it may involve several brain areas or electrodes (Pfurtscheller, 1992; Sterman et al. 1994). Regional patterns of simultaneous desynchronization and synchronization characterize
specific cognitive and behavioral states (Pfurtscheller & Klimesch, 1990) and it is bymeasuring the mix of slow and fast rhythms across the head that we identify the nature and extent of cortical engagement.

How is QEEG Related to Human Behavior?
EEG as a crude measure of mental state ( eg eyes open (attention, alert, aroused or eyes closed (inattention and inactivity) has been documented extensively and over a considerable period of time.

Behavioral and mental states such as mathematical processing, reading, or relaxed wakefulness are assumed to be distinct and uniform in nature, consisting of similar perceptual and cognitive operations whenever they occur. It is also assumed that distinct mental operations present distinct EEG and biochemical profiles which are reproduced reliably whenever a task or mental state occurs. These assumptions lay the foundation to functional MRI as well as EEG assessment and are the rationale for EEG normalization

The most reliable finding in EEG research occurs when an individual
resting with eyes closed opens his or her eyes in a well-lit room: alpha blocking occurs. The alpha rhythm is replaced by fast low-amplitude waveforms, or beta rhythm. (When eyes are opened in a dark room, alpha blocking does not generally occur; Bohdanecky et al., 1984.) The degree and localization of blocking or desynchronization is associated with stimulus intensity, complexity, novelty, and meaningfulness (Gale & Edwards,1983; Berlyne & McDonnell, 1965; Baker & Franken, 1967; Boiten, Sergeant, & Geuze,1992; Gevins & Schaffer, 1980). Topographic analysis reveals whether EEGdesynchronization is nonspecific (many or all sites) or selective (few sites). Nonspecific arousal is modulated by drugs, drowsiness, drive, and time of day, whereas sensory and strategic demands activate specific brain areas such as parietal and occipital cortex to visual stimulation and temporal cortex to acoustic stimulation (e.g., Grillon & Buchsbaum, 1986; Pfurtscheller, Maresh, & Schuy, 1977; Chapotot, Jouny, Muzet,
Buguet, & Brandenberger, 2000).

Table 4. Cortical gyrus below each electrode position, based on Mokotoma et al

SITE (left/right)








Figure 3. International 10-20 system for electrode placement on the scalp.

Coherence and Co modulation
Coherence analysis
quantifies phase consistency between signals and comodulation analysis quantifies
magnitude consistency (Goodman, 1957; Kaiser, 1994). Two signals are said to be
coherent when their phase relationship is stable, even if signals are entirely out of phase
with each other. Two signals are said to comodulate when their magnitude relationship is
stable, regardless of absolute difference between signals.

Development before an adult rhythm at 10 Hz is established (Niedermeyer, 1987).
The alpha rhythm emerges as a slow 3-4 Hz rhythm in infancy, and it takes a decade

Table 5. Rhythm Maturation: Alpha & Sleep Spindle Frequency Range by Age Group
(modified from Niedermeyer, 1987)

Not present
Sleep spindle
Not present

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