Thursday 21 July 2011

Language & Soc Psyc (2004) Intorduction

Joseph B.Walther (2004)

Language and Communication Technology: Introduction to the Special Issue

Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 23,384

Focus -The importance of studying language and communication technology – to explore p385 ‘where it fits in with the scheme of things’

Why study language and social psychology with respect to communication technology? Raises three questions

· 1. ‘How does technology affect communication, language use, and consequent processes’ ( e.g. relationships)

· 2. ‘How the so called impediments of communication technology are overcome by its users, how people adapt semiotics as they move from one set of symbol systems to another, from speech to text.’

Processes addressed in this issue

Immediacy – O’Sullivan et al

Conversational coherence – Baron

Personal identity without physical cues – Herring and Martisen

(. Processes covered in this issue ‘often involve encounters dominated by NVC’ KRO empathy as a dependent process) p386 ‘recognising how language alone facilitates each of these processes is a significant shift

· 3. p287 ‘ how do we create, modify or deploy new technological interfaces that allow us to pursue social goals more effectively’

For example, design p387 ‘ based on well founded theoretical understandings of how we use language and visual literacy ……. How does language function in collaborative tasks and what interface variables ( Gergle et al, this article) facilitate productive language rather than impede it’

Addressed in this issue

O’Sullivan et al, ‘ takes language of immediacy’ into new electronic and symbolic forms, replacing nonverbal effects and complementing language, with both general and specific application to educational contexts’

Gergle and interfaces.

Example of literature and of approaches in this issue

P392 ‘Nardi & Whittaker (2002) claim that information technology cannot, in principle, provide the same fundamental facilities that face-to-face interaction does, such as providing signals of a partner’s availability and attention affecting the foundation of affective relationships ‘

But in this issue

The interchangeability of identity and emotional indicators from non verbal to language cues( Herring and Martisen(, or icons and web design (O’Sullivan et al) challenge this view.

The Role of Language in CMC research

P389 ‘cyclical trend in the role of language data in the theoretical study of communication technology, even though language dynamics are explicit in these theories’

Stage 1 – language at the forefront; Interaction Process analysis (IPA) of verbal transcripts (Hiltz, Johnson , & Turoff, 1986). Kiesler and colleagues ( 3 refs given) coded ‘flaming’ and other verbal patterns to test the lack of social context cues hypothesis’

Stage 2 students evaluations , including of the affective, as a result of manipulating social, physical and temporal factors .. Led to SIDE, SIP, and hyperpersonal

Ie a focus on context and outcomes

Stage 3 p390 ‘ focus on the microscopic and behavioural aspects of real language as the evidence with which to settle our questions’

Both stage 1 and 2 tend to have a media effects focus.

In this context articles in this issue

address gross level theories that depend on language as their mechanism


settle theoretical conflicts that can be addressed only with language data’

i.e. social presence countered with grounding theory.

Suggestions for future research

(i) Channel switching – moving from one media to another e.g. email to face-to-face

(ii) ‘Greater specificity in the isolation and specification of causal factors and their specific interaction effects’

(iii) p391 ‘the widespread non-adoption of cheap, computer integrated video cameras testifies that there are affordances of language –only communication systems that are desirable, beneficial and the research that clarifies why that is – what the dynamics of text only messaging are and why they are attractive – can be truly exciting’

(iv) the mundane – how to terminate contact, if CMC equalizes participation then how to assert dominance