Thursday 12 May 2011

wiki, RE,

Shailey Minocha & Peter G. Thomas

Collaborative Learning in Wiki Environment: Experiences from a software engineering course.

New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 13,2, 187-209

Pedagogical claims for the wiki


‘allows for the generation of social constructivist scenarios wherein a group of learners collaboratively construct shared artifacts’

( KRO – an artifact implies a finished product. What aspects of the finished product influence learning?)

‘facilitates student collaboration via co-production of text and development of argument and concensus by communication of ideas through a shared online workspace’

(KRO I thought there were some methodological flaws – see later; more importantly I do not think that there is any evidence for concensus nor would I expect that the wiki to provide a way of reaching a concensus. When you write something to a wiki you are externalizing an idea as a product rather than offering up as an idea in progress . A discussion does just that it invites a different opinion whereas committing to a wiki does not.)

Purpose of collaboration

P195 in a RE context ‘ the collaboration involves discussing duplications, conflicts, and ambiguities with the aim of achieving an agreed set of unambiguous requirements’


‘wiki can grow and evolve and therefore address pedagogical objectives such as ‘

student involvement

· group activity

· peer and tutor review

· knowledge sharing

· knowledge creation

· all from Minocha et al, 2007.


Salmon’s 5 stage model influenced the design.

Used assessment as main design element ( Shared wiki 4-7 students)


Papers about wikis

Guidance on using a wiki including for collaborative work, wiki-netiquette,

Ice- breaker using the wiki - add a small piece of biographical information, opt for a stakeholder role – seen as exchange of information stage of the Salmon model.


Each student adds three requirements to the wiki from his/her chosen perspective


Agree on a set of fit criteria ( KRO only time there is real sense of having to work together?)

Through the exercise on reflection ( see below)

Reflective activity

P196 ‘ Reflection is a strategy that facilitates learning ( Moon ,2000). It is the reexamination and reinterpretation of experiences and is central to effective learning and development.’ ( KRO inner language)

The course provided a reflective tool ( trigger questions) and asked students to apply it across 3 dimensions

Experience of using the wiki as a tool

Personal views of the course and collaboration in particular

Role of collaboration in RE. Requirements engineering)

Data sources

Sample of 40 reflective account ( from TMA03)

Discussion forum – no of messages = 40 for 117+ students)

Direct emails from students (15)

Direct emails from tutors (14)

Research questions

1. Did the wiki activities facilitate collaborative learning? 26 said tes, 5 to some extent 77.5%

(KRO rather an ambiguous formulation)

2. did the wiki activities enhance understanding of RE 75%

3. was reflection effective 95%


KRO findings based on a thematic analysis that was strange . Themes identified , then sub themes.


Question of whther or not the responses were influenced by being part of the assessment.


Not sure whether or not the findings relate directly to the themes.

Collaboration & learning

P201 ‘group knowledge quickly becomes aggregated in one place.’

Wiki is an inappropriate medium for discussion, lack of threading & time stamps

Wiki as a tool

Continual availability

Facilitative qualities ( used group discussion pages – although overall this discussion page was not considered the appropriate tool }

Cost savings

Traceability ( impoerant for assessment and for RE)


Collaborative work and self pacing of the busy distance learner

P202 ‘ I organize my studying around my life NOW….. I’m being asked to organize my life around my studying’

P204 ‘ synchronous discussion medium for timely decision making’ (KRO producing a collaborative artifact inevitably requires this’

Navigation poor – always have to return to the root page no alerts ( now there is a facility)

No locking facility (KRO I think this is now available)