Thursday 27 January 2011

SSI Parrott 2007

W. Gerrod Parrott (2007)

Components and the definition of emotion

Social Science Information, 46, 3, 419 – 423

(Whole volume of SSI devoted to the question “What is emotion’)

Parrot bases his response on Scherer’s work, critiques the inclusion of bodily as a component and would remove it from the list of 5 components. However he would now add regulation to that list.

Chooses Scherer’s work because p422 ‘ thinking of emotion as involving components has created a flexible framework that has allowed emotion research to develop despite fuzziness, conceptual change and lack of correlation between components’

Takes Schrerer’s 5 components of emotion

1. Appraisal

2. Action tendencies

3. Facial and bodily expression

4. Subjective feelings

5. Bodily systems

All except bodily systems can be considered at 3 levels of explanation

· Physiological

· Individual

· Social/cultural

Parrott argues that bodily systems do not meet the criteria of being considered at all 3 levels of analysis. He suggests rather that it is p421 ‘ a peripheral contributor to subjective feeling’ that it is a contributor to the other 4 components ‘ that has retained its place in the list of components because of its established place historically’