Thursday 10 January 2013

Balaam et al (2011)

Balaam, M., Fitzpatrick, G., Good, J., &Harris, E. (2011)
Enhancing Interactional Synchrony with a ambient display
CHI 2011, May7-12, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Paper brings together 'research from social psychology with advances in HCI to explore a new role for pervasive and ambient technologies'  p 1

Pervasive and ambient technologies could provide  support both for encoding and decoding in authentic environments

Most of the technologies that have been developed to support social interaction (face-to-face) are informational  or support the verbal aspects e.g. RFID badges, iBand, GroupWear with mixed reactions from those involved.

Other approaches use para linguistics information to provide a view of an  interactional context.

Non verbal communication ' Research suggests that it communicates information about emotion, interpersonal relationships, and is an essential aspect of social competence' p 2 (2,7,20,22,37)

'Rapport is one element of social interaction that is strongly encoded through nonverbal communication, and additionally theorised as key to the development of interpersonal relationships, and the success of an interaction. Rapport is believed to be crucial to develop trust, to create closeness, and be included in a  group(22) as well as help interactions feel smooth (36) .' P 2
Has three components ( see ref 37 )
1.    Mutual attentiveness
2.    Positivity
3.    Coordination ( sometimes referred to as interactional synchrony) - postural and movement. Much of this work done by Bernieri who foregrounds the importance of interactant proximity. Also that physical aspects (physical artefacts) of the task are important.
Each of which is encoded through non verbal communication with p7 ' with positivity most important at the outset  whilst coordination becomes more important later.
'there can be a disconnect between how rapport is encode and how observers decode rapport from NV signals' p 2. That  it is ' expressivity that drives social judgements' p 3

Ethics of using persuasive ambient technology is discussed on p 8.

the implication he is that more subtle NV communication can be missed  and led to the research aim - to use ambient technology to amplify (make more salient) the the more subtle NV that is sometimes missed by the observer.
'There are very few guidelines available' p 3 technologically speaking that is.

Holiday planning in duos . Map display surrounded by representation of water that could be animated according to a wizard of Oz observer who took the role of the ambient technology of the future.
Ripples activated by
   Simultaneous movement
   Tempo similarity
   Posture matching
   Back channel responses ( e.g. Head nodes, utterances showing agreement,/listening such as 'uh ha'
   Eye contact

Explored ' the relationship between self reports of rapport, observer reports of rapport, and the body language of the participants in the holiday planning.' P 3 did the task twice (for personal use, for an older pair), once with the animation and once without. Untrained observers rated a video of the exchange , the video record was subject to a mosaic procedure that removed some of the expressive codes ( the  ones that are attended too at the expense of more subtle NVs)

Rapport scale by Bernieri (

ref 7) based on theory of 37.

'The data presented in the Results section indicates that our amplification of rapport through an ambient display increased the amount of interactional synchrony, and more specifically, the amount of coordination and posture similarity seen within an interaction by untrained observers.  At the same time, interact ants themselves were seemingly unaware of these increased behavioural manifestations of rapport, with no significant differences in their self reports of rapport between conditions'

Barron and mutual attention p 9 ' To aid this mutual attention, groups coordinated themselves and their work through the use of physical artefacts in the environment, conversational devices, and coordinated physical movement'   Overlaps with Salt and Bernieri

Discussion section contains more detailed account of HCI considerations
23, 34 spontaneous versus impression management
28 empathy
37, 5, 22, 7rapport
12, 18 Pervasive technology to support Group work