Friday 13 April 2012

problems - onlien groups

Roberts, T. S., & McInnerney, J. M. (2007).

Seven Problems of Online Group Learning (and Their Solutions).


Technology & Society, 10 (4), 257-268.

Problem #1: student antipathy towards group work

Can lead to apathy and even hostility

Problem #2: the selection of the groups

Discusses potential value of heterogenous goups - whether less able can benefit

Problem #3: a lack of essential group-work skills

Quotes Burdett (2003: p179) ‘group work can be hard work emotionally and intellectually; and that this fact is sometimes overlooked by group work advocates and practitioners’ (Burdett, J. (2003). Making Groups Work: University Students’ Perceptions. International Education Journal, 4 (3), retrieved October 15, 2007, from ).

Problem #4: the free-rider

Problem #5: possible inequalities of student abilities

P262 ‘ the need to temper the individual students’ needs with those of all the students in the group’ Winkworth and Maloney (2002) (Winkworth, A., & Maloney, D. (2002). An exploration of apathy and enthusiasm in task-focused groups:

implications for task design and supervisor intervention, retrieved October 15, 2007, from ).

Problem #6: the withdrawal of group members, and

Problem #7: the assessment of individuals within the groups.

Addressing problem 1 – make students aware of the generic skills that they will aquire

Levin (2002a: p5) a minimal list of generic skills (Levin, P. (2002a). Teamwork Tutoring: Helping Students Working On Group Projects To Develop Teamwork,

retrieved October 15, 2007, from

indicated that, when it came time for them to partake in real world employment, students involved

in group learning would have developed the skills of…

• developing rapport with others

• negotiating a framework for working with others

• generating and sustaining motivation and commitment to working together

• standing back from the hurly-burly of teamwork and

• making sense of what is going on in one’s team

• coping with stressful situations that arise

• evaluating the working of one’s team

• recognising and making the most of individuals’ dispositions to prefer particular team roles

• building up one’s teamwork expertise.