Tuesday 3 August 2010

Horizon report 2010

Johnson,L., Levine,A., Smith,R., & Stone,S. (2010) The 2010 Horizon Report, Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.


P3 technologies identified ‘embedded within a contemporary context that reflects the realities of the time both in the sphere of academia and the world at large’

Trends 2010-2015

1. ‘The abundance of resources and relationships made easily accessible via the internet’

2. ‘people expect to work, learn, & study wherever they want to’ logistics of balancing demands are increasingly complex so that there are implications for just in time, informal(found) learning.’

3. ‘The technologies we use are increasingly cloud-based and out notions of IT support are decentralized’

4. ‘The work of students is increasingly seen as collaborative by nature, and there is more cross-campus collaborations between departments

Challenges 2010-2015

1. ‘need for the academy to adapt teaching and learning practices to meet the needs of today’s learners’ i.e. emphasise critical inquiry and mental flexibility, application of learning to broad social issues and large complex problems’

2. digital scholarship – what metrics’

3. digital literacy ‘as technology continues to evolve, digital literacy must necessarily be less about tools and more about ways of thinking and seeing and crafting narrative’ need to prepare students appropriately

4. focus on key goals as a result of shrinking budgets. A good response would be to identify trends eg cloud computing can mitigate this effect.

Technologies to watch ( with timeframes for wide-spread adoption)

Mainstream , within 12 months

1. Mobile computing.

Raises concerns about privacy, classroom management, personal/other time, access, usability

2. Open Content

involves devising licences & metadata schemes. Ideas of social responsibility. Outgrowth ‘ the emergence of open-context textbooks that can be remixed. Currently open-context community is diffuse and distributed’ learning to find, access and repurpose is a ‘valuable skill for an emerging scholar’

inform a wide variety of learning modalities including the sheer joy of discovery! – CoPs have formed around open resources’


Medium within 2-3- years

3. Electronic books

p17 ‘Paper & ink, colour, font, type size, even the way pages are turned, are all customizable. Text is clear and crisp with enough contrast to make it easy to read, and the devices are comfortable to hold for long periods of time’

4. Augmented reality

Is ‘ establishing a foothold in the consumer sector, and in a form much easier to access than originally envisioned’

http://henryjenkins.org/2008/07/an-interview-with-eric-klopfer.html. Eric Klopfer is a games developer. Interview provides insight into why this area of AR has promise in education and beyond’

Longer term 4-5 years

5. Gesture based computing

‘devices controlled by natural movements of the finger, hand, arm or body. Game companies ……’ exploring the potential offered by consoles that do not require a hand-held controller but instead recognise and interpret body motions’

‘as we work with devices that react to us instead of requiring us to learn to work with them, our understanding of what it means to interact with computers is beginning to change’

examples are ipod/ipads & Nintendo Wii ‘accept input in the form of taps, swipes & other ways of touching.


Iphone ‘additionally can react to manipulation of the device itself eg shaking, tilting. ‘ ‘we are seeing a gradual shift towards interfaces that adapt to – or are built for – human and human movements.

‘Apple’s Remote app for the iphone turns the mobile device into a remote control for the Apple TV; users can search, play ………..just by gliding a finger over the iphone’s surface’

i.e. p26 ‘machine responds to movements that feel natural ‘ also ‘gestural interfaces can often be used by more than one person at a time’

Some resources

Parkinson’s patients go to wii-hab


Live Science, 11 June 2009

The Best Computer Interfaces: Past, Present and Future



6. Visual data analysis

‘blend of statistics, data mining & visualisation’

Taps into p29 ‘the ability of humans to see patterns and structure in even the most complex visual presentations’

Gapminder ( http://www.gapminder.org) ? principal components analysis – analysis of multivariate datasets over time.

Many eyes, Wordle, Flwoing data, Gapminder, Roambi (http://newpolitical interfaces.org)


‘VDA may help expand our understanding of learning itself. Learning is one of the most complex of social processes, with a myriad of variables interacting in ways that are not well understood, making it an ideal focus for the search for patterns’ it can also have value for the study of the foundation of learning communities.

http://www.insideria.com/2009/12/28-rich-data-visualization-too.html. Theresa Neil, O’Reilly’s Inside RIA, 10 December 2009)

lots of examples


article http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/EL17052.pdf
