Tuesday 23 February 2010

Glossary items: Blakemore & Frith

Brain region This term is generally used to refer to a part of the brain, comprising millions of neurons, which is specialized for a particular process ( or processes)

Cognitive explanations in terms of psychological constructs

Critical period The period during which certain kinds of environmental stimulation are necessary for the brain’s sensory and motor systems to develop normally. Recently, most scientists have abandoned the term, because the term sensitive period is more fitting

Empathizing putting oneself in the emotional shoes of others

Event related potentials (ERPs) electrical responses that are generated by the brain that occur at a fixed time relative to a particular stimulus and can be recorded using EEG.

Executive functions high level processes of the frontal lobes, such as the ability to inhibit inappropriate behaviour, plan, select actions, hold information in mind, and do two things at once -KRO interesting link to idea of the brain as a machine under control of the individual

Hebbian learning If two neurons that have synaptic connections between them are excited at the same time, the connection between them will be strengthened. This means that in future it will be easier for the first neuron to fire the second. This mechanism is the basis of learning in the brain.

Imitation Observing how others do things and then trying to do the same thing oneself.

Implicit learning Learning or memory without awareness

Inferior – lower side of the brain

Limbic system A group of brain structures that are involved in various emotions such as aggression, fear, pleasure, and also formation of memory. The limbic system consists of several structures including hippocampus, amygdala, cingulated gyrus and hypothalamus.

LTP Long-term potentiation. An enduring ( lasting over one hour) increase in the efficiency of a synapse caused by incoming neuronal activity. If two connected neurons are stimulated at the same time, the amount of signal passing from one neuron to the other increases. This is believed to be due to Hebbian learning (KRO or Hebbian learning is due to this biological property of neurons)

Mentalizing automatic ability to attribute mental states, such as desires, beliefs, or feelings to others and oneself. In this way we explain and predict behavior.

Mind Thoughts and feelings in the head, whether or not we are aware of them consciously. Unlike in everyday language where mind is often seen as opposed to the brain, most neuroscientists consider the mind as a product of the brain.

Mind-brain is an expression that emphazises the close relationship.

Module A discrete component of a system; modules of the mind can be separated ou only with great ingeniousness and are currently a matter of controversy.

Neuropsychology The diagnosis, study, and treatment of people who have suspected brain damage

Neuroscience the study of structure and function of the brain, mind and behaviour.

Plasticity The brain’s capacity to adapt continually to changing circumstances.

Planum temporale Region in the temporal cortex. The left planum temporale, which is usually larger than the right, is dedicated to decoding speech and writing.

Premotor cortex Part of the frontal cortex, on both sides of the brain, involved in planning and making movements

Representation A concept, image or memory in the mind; a pattern of neural activity in the brain that relates to a concept, image or memory

(KRO something to critically analyse eg should neuroscience be based on abstract concepts such as this)

sensitive period The period during which the brain is particularly likely to be affected by experience. After a sensitive period, if the brain has not been exposed to certain environmental stimuli, it is unlikely that it will develop certain sensory or motor functions normally without special remedial input.

Social brain The network of brain areas that are involved in understanding others and social communication

Start-up mechanism A mechanism that the brain is equipped with and that enables fast track learning of a particular skill.

Subcortical Relating to the brain structures that are below the cerebral cortex. These include the amygdala, hippocampus, and superior colliculus. These are part of a pathway in the brain that allows us to make movements quickly and automatically on the basis of what we see. These abilities are shared with many other animals

(KRO interesting description – worth thinking about)

superior colliculus subcortical structure involved in fast sensory processing , especially visual processing

(KRO I thought it was a mandatory station on the visual pathway)

superior temporal sulcus A deep fold running down the temporal lobe, involved in perceiving other people’s movements and actions and faces.

Supplementary motor cortex area just in front of the motor cortex in the middle of the brain associated with preparation and imagination of movement.

Temporal cortex The region of cortex on both sides of the brain, where visual recognition and language comprehension occurs.

(KRO simplistic ? represents research area and experience therefore focus)

theory of mind The implicit and sometimes explicit understanding that other people have mental states, such as beliefs, desires and intentions, which may differ from one’s own.