Saturday 5 December 2009

Lever Lecture 1 Haythornethwaite web2 - learning

Caroline Haythornthwaite Web 2 & Learning

  • pre internet - ICT automation, expertise required
  • web 1.0 web presence, moderate expertise required, closed community
  • web 2.0 participation, ? lower level of expertise required, open communities. Opportunity to be commentator, contributor, evaluator etc. ( technologies, wiki, digg, slashdoc)
  • web 3.0 convergence ( semantic web , cross platform convergence)

KRO ? whether this claim for such different levels of expertise is justified. Also need to think from perspective of learner cf instructor/leader

Group decision support system - look into the literature on this, wikipedia entry

surveillance and sousveillance - persistent conversations and data mining. Anonymity and data mining.

Participatory culture
Henry Jenkins (2006) ' a transformation to a participatory culture may, in learning, be a transformation to an inquiry culture' ; 'beginning to seem like an academic culture in that knowledge is not certain.

sentinent analysis - attitudes expressed online, one of the ways in which data mining potential is embraced
