Friday 23 January 2009

Literature and information searching notes

Searching - general

There is a recall and precision trade off

explicit logic for database/catalogue searches although all vary on format such as missing data, capitalisation - check on hints

include negatives in a search when appropriate e.g. achievement & underachievement

isolate concepts e.g. gender, science education, achievement.  several databases/catalogues then identify each search by a letter or number and allow you to combine them in that way by an intersection of refs common to all individual searches.

better to search indices independently

choose advanced, complex option rather than simple

In Endnote (IOE version) there is an IOE thesis reference style as one of the options - however it is possible to download into PC version of Endnote. nb Currently IOE trying to get Endnote to include it at source.

Can link own version of Endnote to IOE , go to weblink at IOE to synch ( interpret synch loosely)

There is an index for IOE theses.

Search tools with Thesaurus functionality eg ERIC thesaurus tend to be information rich

tip - prepare a practice search so that you are more patient about keeping up to date with the technology

For inter library loans you need to  go though the library catalogue link

Need to search up to 8 databases,  that way you get the 'long tail' which is really important as there tend to be key articles in the odd journal.

Quality bibliography

INTERNATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES - through journal link on the Library web page - best way to search is a Boolean phrase.
Make sure to distinguish between a casual and an intended search.

Some databases expect you to add selected items to a folder before exporting, printing etc.

If Endnote on PC then to C drive automatically.  Portal allows upload from pen drive or PC files

start using alerts slowly

ISI WEB OF KNOWLEDGE- very selective

WEB of SCIENCE - covers the most important journals from Art & Humanities, Social Science, and Science.  
Look for citations but need to finish the search.

ZETOC  produced by the British Library and encompasses much of the content of many of the other indexes and databases BUT it is a very crude search engine however might be good for alerts because it does cover many sources.

GOOGLE SCHOLAR  - Needs upper case for Boolean operators


Self service borrowing

transcribe equipment and other multi media equipment for loan

Other library sources

Other UK libraries, you need a SCONUL access card
m25 consortium is a good example