Tuesday 21 May 2013

Dirkx & SmithCase study, group work online

Dirkx, J.M. & Smith, R.O. (2004) p132-159
Thinking out of a bowl of spaghetti: Learning to Learn in online collaborative groups
Chapter 6 in Roberts, T.S. Online collaborative learning: theory and Practice

Students need orientation in how to do collaborative learning, and the value of it, and how to do it online.

Cooperative v collaborative learning
Coop, p137 – ‘learning is regarded as an individual effort that is facilitated by participation in the group’
Collaborative, p 137 ‘In collaborative learning, students call into question, through self-reflective & self critique, assumptions, values, beliefs, symbols and rules of conduct that characterise their existing way of meaning making’  teachers de-authorize themselves p142 ‘ group members are encouraged to assume responsibility for their own structure and direction’

Case study approach
26 students assigned to small groups. Well defined task.  Allowed to meet f-f only one group did so.  Orientation for 2 weeks, group work for 16 weeks.  Experienced tutor available. 
Source of data.  Interviews, student journals, discussion and chat transcripts.

‘the students in our case described powerful emotional responses to what was occurruing with their small groups’
two orientations to authrority emerge, one remains with the tutor the other to the group
‘the gradual development of interdependence and intersubjectivity requires the cultivation of a culture of intimacy within the group. Intimacy involves an ability to open oneself up to another, as well as being receptive to otherness’
quote from a student about feeling that you are meeting all the time ‘ you are never not meeting with your group. You turn on the computer and the group is there. In the form of email messages and postings to the discussion board’

Conclusions about CSCL
Subjectivity and intersubjectivity p151 ‘ need for group members to reconstruct a sense of identity that is grounded in the intersubjective realities of their group contexts’
Associated emotional dynamics
Have to reach concensus and this is not always easy
P155 ‘ Implementation of collaborative learning ….., will not be successful unless the broader contextual and systematic issues are also attended to’
p155  there is 'a psychological resistance to the need to move from a subjective to a more intersubjective form of identity'

Monday 13 May 2013

Gordon Smith et al

Gordon Smith, G., Sorensen, C., Gump, A., Heindel, A.J., Caris, M., Martinez, C.D. (2011)
Overcoming student resistance to group work: Online versus face-to-face
Internet and Higher Education, 14, 2,121-128

Group membership.
Diverse employment background, therefore bring variety of knowledge to the group. one student in each skilled at production

Advice to groups
Charter for norms and responsibilities
Advised to have weekly synchronous meetings

Data sources
  1. Previous experience of OL collaboration ( yes/no)
  2. Need to know other members skills  and wok habits from the start (LS5)
  3. Able to resolve all logistical problems (LS5)
  4. I like working in groups (LS5)
  5. I think group work is beneficial (LS5)
  6. I think collaborating online is great, as there are many synchronous tools available (LS5)
Communication more difficult online ( sometimes tortuous)
More maladaptive groups online
Participation more marked as a problem in the reports from OL groups

Student journals
12 themes
communication, participation, group member attributes, team support, group assessment, group member assessment, personal feelings about working in groups, pressure, feedback, assignment difficulty, task delegation, others.

Need to persuade students of the value of group work