Wednesday 21 October 2009


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Monday 19 October 2009

Doctoral presentations

The role of tangible technologies in special education
Taciana Falcao

new ways of thinking about accessibility
  • cognitive accessibility - concretise the abstract
  • collaborative accessibility- inclusion

tangibles & meaning
meaning at two levels or from two aspects ,
  • meaning of the object eg a tangible
  • meaning of the practice.
'I drum therefore I am' ? A sociological study of the identities and learning of kit drummers
Gareth Smith ( Arts & hummanities)

  • be aware of perspective - eg emic perspective
  • identity realisation - passive ( a realisation ) & active ( to realise)
  • Informal & formal learning - drumming a good example of very blurred edges between the two. Internet has contributed to the blurring e.g. Youtube for drummers.